Monday 11 October 2010

Waterloo Road

Another preliminary task that I carried out was a remake of a popular soap sequence.
 I used Waterloo road as I want to base my soap trailer to similar narratives, I got a sections of the script and edited now so that it wasn’t so long. I also planned out the shots I would use and location examples, I used these to create a storyboard.
The technologies I used when creating my video involved, using the digital camera to shoot the sequence, our group used two camera to gather a range of shots, one handheld to get close up and different angles, and one tripod to get a full view of the set.
After capturing my files on the computer I had to use Adobe Premiere to edit the video. This involved deleting audio, cutting videos, reordering, timing, adding music, adding dialogue file (from deleting video), fading shots, fading music, adjusting volume,  saving the project, posting it directly to YouTube, and embedding it into my blog.
Codes and conventions
The codes and conventions I used include the shot types. I used a; two shot, MCU, over shoulder, track and long shot. These created a variation of shots within the sequence.
The dialogue we used fit the scene and made a good, dramatic narrative.
The music I choose to have playing over the sequence was “The killers, Under the gun” which I downloaded from the internet. I choose this song because it is popular so the audience will recognise it, and builds up in beat to reflect a build up in drama. Similarly I made the music fade in and continually get louder through the sequence to add more dramatic, fast based, atmosphere to the sequence.

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