Friday 15 October 2010

Further Planning.. TO BE FINISHED..

·                 Camera shot and angles;
We have planned all different kinds of shoots that match the codes and conventions of soap drama trailers. These include: long shots, close ups, medium close ups, extreme close ups, low angle shot, high angle shot, eye level, point of view, over the shoulder, reverse angle. Using a variety gives the trailer a dramatic atmosphere and a fast paste storyline.
·                 Camera movement;
We have planned to use a lot of pans, and tracks to make the trailer have movement and give the illusion the storyline is moving on.
·                 Framing & Composition;
Looking at our locations ideas there are many ways in which we can frame our shoots. If we use our under the bridge location that we can frame the top of the bridge with the background. If we use a bus stop we can frame the actors in the bus stop by the walls. At the brick wall scene there is a pathway near one of the locations that when shot will create a corridor that can frame the actors.
·                 Mise en scene;
The mise en scene we plan to create are to reinforce our representations used in the trailer, for instance we are planning to use a brick wall which gives the connotations of youths/ teenagers. We also plan to use a location that has graffiti in the background, this will give connotations of youths and rebel behaviour. We also plan to use a puddle that the character runs into while the camera is placed on the ground, this will create a striking use of locations and see the splashed to shock the audience.
·                 Props;
The props needed in the different scenes include, a mobile phone, a bed, a bench a suitcase for the break-up scene. In one of the scenes we will also have a character run through a puddle.
·                 Costumes;
We are having our actors dress in normal teenager outfits, suggestions of jeans and logo t-shirt. We also need dark hoodies for the chasing scene that we have asked them to provide; this also had representations of dangerous youths.
·             Settings - Daytime
·             Sounds;
Sound; diegetic and non diegetic uses of sound: Will use the script to create diegetic dialogue, this will give representations of the characters for the audience. We will also edit non diegetic music over the trailer to create more representations and atmosphere. For one scene we have a phone call where we will record the other side of the phone call after the shooting and then lay this over the footage. Background sounds of streets, cars and other people will be used create a realistic atmosphere.
  • Editing; we will mostly plan to use straight cuts to one camera footage to another, we may also start with a fade from black, and end with a fade to black, also at the end we will add a title card or dates and times of the show, this will also fade onto the screen or fade from black.
CONSIDER the key concepts:

  • Genre:
The genre we will create is a formulaic genre of teenage drama soap.
  • Representations:
Representations that we are creating will include multi-gender, and multi-race (if we have friends of multi-race, however we will try and include this).
  • Audience:
Our target audience is teenagers, of both genders ages 14-19, the characters we will create will be aged 17/18, therefore youger audiences will aspire to be them, and aged 16/17/18/19 will relate to them.
  • Ideology & Values:
With most teenage dramas there are a few things that happen for the audience’s ideology and values. The audience simply watch the show for entertainment, they watch the show and aspire to be the characters being created effecting their self esteem, or they watch the show and reflect the meanings created on their own lives, for instance, in our soap a girl becomes pregnant, this will make the audience see the effect it has on the character’s life and the audience may decide to change their lives effectively to avoid or achieve this.

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