Wednesday 13 October 2010

Production Planning

Research into similar products:


I have chosen this video to use as similar product to what I want my trailer to be like because it is based on a teenage drama/comedy and it uses one continuous storyline throughout but switches to different sequences to add mystery and show a range of drama/comedy within an episode. However my trailer will be based on a series so that I can show an even bigger range of sequences. This trailer also starts off with one sequence to set the storyline and atmosphere to the trailer; I will also try to incorporate this into my trailer.

Waterloo road:

After watching this, and other Waterloo trailers I want to base my product on something similar as it is a teenage drama, therefore if I do something similar I can get my friends and other student to be characters within the sequence. Also, I can use these storylines to base my storylines around. These trailers also have good camera movement that I can use; they involve a lot of long shot, MCU, CU and two shots.

Through my research and looking at existing soap trailers, I have decided to have a quick montage of sequences with one main storyline running throughout. These are some initial narrative ideas for the different montage sequences:
·         Running scene
·         Fighting scene
·         Bed room scene (girl waking up after party with guy)
·         Bed room (breaking up, clothes over suitcase)
·         Couple breaking up
·         Couple getting together
·         Smoking
·         Party scene
·         Run away
·         Goodbye (train station)
·         Fighting scene (two guys and one girl)
·         Two people kissing with girl behind them
·         Top of a building (jump off?)
·         Girls putting on make-up and guys getting ready
·         Classroom scene
·         Canteen scene
·         Shopping scene

      This is an initial idea for the main storyline;
Storyline – Group of 7-9 people are in trouble, I used this number because looking at similar soaps such as “Skins”, and “The Cut”. The group will be in trouble, resulting in them getting chased, threats and fights, however why they are in trouble will be a mystery to create intense and attract the audience to watch the show.

Location ideas:
Looking at my research into existing TV soap, I want to pick realistic locations that fit my representations of teenagers.

Initial location ideas:
Alex park (reservoir), Hollywood park, overview of centre and hill, Stockport shopping centre, Mersey walk side (under bridge), train station, college classrooms

Alexandra park is a large park containing a reservoir, hills and lots of greenery.
Stockport train station would be good to use, the pillars can create good framing. This setting could be used for chase scenes, or someone running away scene. However, permission for shooting in Stockport train station might be complicated and not permitted, in that case, similar locations such as a bus stop could have the same effects.

Mersey River has a walk pathway next to it that travels under bridges such as this one that contains graffiti, this gives representations of rebel youths.

Heaten Norris Park is located on a hill next to Stockport centre, therefore is has the great view of the whole Stockport centre. This will make a great establishing shot. Additionally the park has lots of hills and courts such as basketball courts that we could use for male characters to be playing a match in, giving messages of competition and masculinity.

We could also use my house that is close to Stockport centre to do indoor scenes such as a bedroom scene, bathroom scene, kitchen...

We can also use Aquinas College for a setting, however we would have to do this within college opening hours and with Aquinas students, limiting our shooting hours and cast. However if we do not get all our scenes shot, or have to re-shot some scenes that this is easily done at Aquinas College.

This is a map of our locations. Heaton Norris park, Stockport Train station, my house, Mersey pathway.
All of them, are easily accessible, and within 10/15 minutes away from each other making it quicker to switch between locations and easier to get all shooting done on one day.

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