Wednesday 22 September 2010

Snow Comic

Snow Comic Evaluation

I produced a snow comic video for my Media preliminary task, this involved planning, shooting, editing and posting.
 When planning what my comic sequence should contain I planned out each shot and appointed a screen shot for each screen to create my story board. I planned to use the dialogue that was in the comics strip. For example, here I sectioned out this frame and decided I will zoom out from his face to show the full mise en scene on the screen.

The technologies I used when creating my video involved, using publisher to create my storyboards. When creating the story board I found the images were not long enough to create an effective shot, for instance, a pan was complicated, therefore to overcome this I copied and paste some images and flipped them to extend the shot.

I then had to use the digital camera to shoot the sequence. This involved learning how capture video, pause, zoom in and out, view and record dialogue on the camera. Additionally, I had to learn how to capture the video files onto the computer and insert then onto Adobe Premiere.
Also I learned how to use a tripod; however we did not use a tripod. Yet I learnt how to set one up and attach the camera.
After capturing my files on the computer I had to use Adobe Premiere to edit the video. This involved deleting audio, cutting videos, reordering, timing, adding music, adding dialogue file (from deleting video), fading shots, fading music, adjusting volume, creating a title slide and saving the project.
Then I posted my video on YouTube, through Adobe Premiere by clicking the “Share” tab and using a YouTube account to upload the sequence.
Finally I created a BlogSpot account so that I could have my own blog to post my Media work on. I posted the YouTube link of my Snow Comic but learning how to use html codes.
Codes and conventions
The codes and conventions I used include the shot types. I used a; pan, establishing shot, two shot, zoom out, MCU, over shoulder, track, long shot, zoom in, MCU to CU, MCU, and zoom out, MCU, over shoulder, pan, and zoom out, CU to long shot. These are all made the comic have movement and created drama in the sequence.
The dialogue we used because it fit the scene and made a good, emotional narrative.
The music we choose that have over the video is a version of the Forest Gump soundtrack. We downloaded this from the internet. We choose this song because it had no lyrics which meant we could add dialogue, also the song was sad and made the sequence emotional.

Friday 17 September 2010

This fan-made music video uses lots of different camera shots such as, MCU, CU and Long shot. It also uses split screen so that you can see multiple different sequences on the same screen. This is also uses in transitions to change sequences. I think the brightness created by the outdoor lighting and the simplicity characters and props, as in sum, there is a guy, in the wood, playing guitar on a stool, but it has been captured and edited to look like a professional music video.